The helmet was sourced and purchased online. The decals were designed in Photoshop and printed by me on gloss vinyl paper. Colored red tape and packaging tape was used to create the red strip on the visor. The LED display inside was purchased online and can be programmed wirelessly. The display plays a simple blinking animation loop I made. The helmet rests on a stand and the assembly sits atop a black pedestal. Viewers who are familiar with Akira will know the inspiration for the helmet design is Kaneda's motorcycle.
The prints were made entirely of found images online. The piece on the left, the green one, is based on Tetsuo. The piece on the right, the red one, is based on Kaneda. The pieces were printed at 18 x 24 inches and hung in frames behind the helmet during the exhibition. As mentioned before, I aimed to modernize the characters rather than outright copying the character's outfits from the show. Taking in various aspects of the film's characters, including and outside of their fashion, I pieced together two cyberpunk and street inspired characters.